LOnils风迷 's Blog

hacking for fun

Module 1: BackTrack Basics(第一部分/pentest)





Table of Contents//目录

Finding Your Way around BackTrack//关于在BackTrack查找工具




Module 1: BackTrack Basics


This module prepares the student for the modules to come, which heavily rely on proficiency with the basic usage of Linux and tools such as the Bash shell, Netcat, and Wireshark. 




Module Objectives//模块目标


At the end of this module, the student should:

1. Be able to comfortably use the BackTrack Linux distribution, including service

management, tool location, and IP address management.

2. Possess basic proficiency with the Linux Bash shell, text manipulation, and Bash shell scripting.

3. Boast a practical understanding of the various uses of Netcat.

4. Have basic proficiency in the use of the Wireshark network sniffer.





Reporting is not mandatory for this module, however you might want to keep note of specific syntaxes and tricky command line options.



1.1 Finding Your Way around BackTrack


Before you start bashing away at your keyboard, I would like to quickly review the CD layout and basic features. The BackTrack Live CD attempts to be intuitive in its tool layout. However, you should keep several important things in mind: 

//在用LIVE CD 启动bt的时候需要注意的一些事情

Not all the tools available on the CD are represented in the menu.   

Several of the tools available in the menu invoke automated scripts that assume defaults. At times you may prefer to invoke a tool from the command line rather than from the menu.


Generally speaking, try to avoid the menu, at least for training purposes. Once you get to know the tools and their basic command line options, you can indulge yourself in laziness and use the menu.


Most of the analysis tools are located either in the path or in the /pentest directory. The tools in the /pentest directory are categorized and subcategorized as different attack vectors and tools. Take some time to explore the /pentest directory so you become familiar with the tools available. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first three sharpening my axe.”

//总结来说就是 不是所有的工具都能在菜单中找到,而且我们建议你使用命令来运行它。

(的确要习惯命令行的模式。),而且熟悉/pentest目录,因为大多数工具都在这个目录下,要多多研究它。就像这句话If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first three sharpening my axe,呵呵,磨刀不误砍柴工  :)



1.1.1 Exercises//练习


1. Log into BackTrack and browse the /pentest directory in a console window. Get to know the /pentest directory and subdirectory structure. Make a mental note of the tools and their names.Please remember that the /pentest directory holds only a few of the pen testing tools. Other tools are usually in the path.

2. Use the Linux locate command to locate the sbd Linux binary and the sbd.exe Windows binary.







